Friday, July 25, 2008

Berry Pickin'

On Wednesday, the kiddos and I headed to Indiana to pick blueberries. This has apparently been an epic season for blueberries in this area, and I wasn't about to let it slip away without stocking the freezer with berry goodness. We went to Bryant's Blueberries in New Salisbury, IN, a short half hour away from the 'Ville.

I strapped Baby Wednesday into the front wrap carrier, and coated Caleb with sunblock. We picked up the handy containers the Bryants' provide and headed into the bushes. We would be picking BlueRays today. (I had never even given thought to the fact that there are different varieties of blueberries!) It was a gorgeous morning, not too hot, with a slight breeze. And the berries were "ripe for the pickin'". Caleb and I began filling our buckets, and I thought we were all having a grand time!

But apparently, berry picking is not much fun for the preschool set, and Caleb quickly reached maximum whine level. Then Wednesday let me know she needed a diaper change ... It was time to head back to the car. But I wanted more blueberries! We weighed our berries, went to the car, changed a diaper, and made a deal: Caleb could bow out of picking and simply snack on his pretzels while I picked, as long as he didn't whine.

Another hour or so later, I was finally done picking. The final total weight of picked berries: 11.66 pounds. Total cost: $22.16 Yay!!

I borrowed Mom's Seal A Meal and have stored many bags of delicious, local, hand picked blueberries for winter use. But not before I made a pie!

And who knows, I may be back at the farm on Saturday to pick more ...

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